Business Certifications:
The Government and corporations want to work with small businesses. According to the U.S SBA (Small Business Administration), For six consecutive years the Federal Government has exceeded its goal for small business Federal contracts awarding a total of 120.8 billion dollars to small businesses. Similarly, state and local government agencies award millions of dollars annually to small businesses that win state and local government contracts. Corporations and fortune 500 companies regularly use diversity supplier lists when seeking to work with small businesses. We advise clients on which certifications they qualify for, which certifications will best suit their business needs, and then we prepare certification applications.
The following certifications provide businesses with various types of advantages and Contracting opportunities:
- 8A Certification: An Certified 8(a) business is a small business that is owned and operated by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. These small businesses are eligible to receive federal contracts under the Small Business Administration's (8(a) Business Development Program. Sole-source contracts are a huge benefit for small businesses that obtain this certification as the Federal government can award contracts directly to 8A firms.
- Woman Owned Small Business Certification: Woman owned businesses have two options to qualify for this certification, as a women-owned small business (WOSB) or economically-disadvantaged women-owned small business (EDWOSB) under the WOSB Federal Contract Program (WOSB Program). This certification is used for the Federal Government and can be very beneficial to woman owned small businesses seeking Government Contracting opportunities.
- Women Business Enterprise Certification: To be eligible for a certification as a WBE, generally an organization must be at least 51% owned and controlled by a female U.S. citizen. There may be additional requirements dependent on who is issuing the certificate, for example some states do not require a woman-owned business to be a small business. This certification is used primarily for the corporate/private sector and can be very beneficial when seeking to work with corporations and fortune 500 companies.
- Minority Business Enterprise Certification: The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) is the nation’s leading third-party certifier, who certifies companies as minorities-owned business enterprises (MBEs) on behalf of the private sector (U.S. Corporations). The NMSDC provides its corporate members with access to the NMSDC’s online database of certified MBEs. This certification can be extremely beneficial for minority business owners.
- Veteran Owned Small Business Certification: This certification gives veterans and service-disabled veterans top priority for contracts and subcontracts. There are also Federal contracts specifically set aside for Service Disabled Veterans.
- Disadvantaged Business Certification: A Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification is a small business certification for minorities or women-owned businesses, or other socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
- HUBZone Certification: This certification can be very beneficial for small businesses that operate and employ people in Historically Under-utilized Business Zones. Benefits for HUBZone companies include sole source contracts, a 10% price evaluation preference in full and open competition contracts, as well as subcontracting opportunities.
Market Research:
DM Consulting LLC researches the Federal and state and local Government Contracting industry on a continuous basis to maintain an awareness of industry trends, updated information, and innovative methods to make sure your company can leverage the ever changing world of Government Contracting. Maintaining market awareness is vital for small and mid-sized businesses that are interested in competing for contracts. We consistently monitor the industry to provide our clients with the most up to date information regarding industry changes, trends, new services that are in demand, and other marketing related aspects in the field of Government Contracting and Procurement.